Understand and apply the Essentials for Lived Experience Engagement

Professional Development Session for executives and senior leaders  

As the uptake and expectation of having people with relevant lived and living experience at decision making tables, and working in ‘co’ (think co-design, co-production, collaboration) and participatory ways becomes increasingly popular and mainstream. 

Executives and senior leaders have important responsibilities and roles to play when it comes to enabling these people-centred ways of working and to setting their teams up for success.

Many still aren’t clear about what this means, what it should look like in practice, and the mindsets, conditions, and enablers that must be in place to get it right. 

This short online professional development session will bring you up to speed on current terminology and practice and how you can sponsor, enable and support this from a senior leadership perspective in practical real-world terms.  

It aims to 

Improve -  your literacy and understanding of the basics of current terminology and practice needed for meaningful lived experience engagement and co-ways of working.  

Apply - these essential elements and steps to where your senior leadership and organisation is at in everyday terms right now. In a confidential (no judgement) space. 

Strengthen - your ongoing endeavours.

  • Executives and senior leaders whose organisations involve people with lived and living experience and expertise in their work. Or those who need to start. 

    Things like: client, consumer, or lived experience advisory groups, co-design, collaborative or community projects, engagements, or similar.

  • You’re already involving lived experience in pockets of your work but you’re pretty sure there’s room for improvement

    You’re wanting to make sure that what is happening at your organisation is matching your public promises

    You know that you need to partner with people with relevant lived experience to guide policy and service design and development, but you’re not sure where to start

    You're hearing plenty of words and expectations about involving people with lived experience more but you’d benefit from a confidential space to get some practical guidance on what those words should look like in action

    There’s a mix of levels of foundational understanding across your organisation

    You’d like your organisation to be on the same page and build some shared language for your ways of working with lived experience

    You’d like to sense check where you’re at and find some realistic ways to level up your ways of working

  • This half-day (3 hour) individual or team professional development session is held online via Zoom. 

    (If you’d prefer to do this in person, please mention it in your booking form and we can discuss the options) 

    Together we will

    • unpack common co-words and approaches (co-design, co-production, collaboration, and more) as well as the value, the benefits, and the standards that relate to your sector

    • get to know the essential elements that need to be there when working with people with lived and living experience and how these translate into practical actions. 

    You’ll come away confident - with a clear understanding of what the words mean and the essential elements of current best practice. 

    We’ll stop for a short break before we spend some time exploring how these elements apply from an executive and senior leadership perspective.

    You’ll come away with some practical actions for improvement based on where your organisation is at right now.  

    So that you can begin to mature and strengthen your approaches. 

  • We’ll provide extra guidance and support with a one-hour check-in call in 3 months to help you troubleshoot any blockers or barriers. 

    After the session we’ll send out digital materials and relevant resources, to support your practice.

    Includes a copy of Check the Essentials - Digital Pocket Guide 

    Plus 10% discount on any ongoing support you might need. 

  • You won't leave this session trained as a co-designer or facilitator, or an expert on working with specific communities or identities (these are important courses and specific skill sets that require training and experience of their own). 

    This session is designed to provide a broad overview of the basics and a safe confidential opportunity to explore ways to strengthen current practice. 

  • Rate varies depending on whether this is a 1:1 or small team session.

    Get in touch using the button below to get a quote an book your session

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